This guide provides you preliminary information which was provided by the developer Bethesda, so we can already give you some tips on what you can adjust as soon as the game officially goes on sale. With release, we then provide you more detailed guides on all aspects of Fallout. 4
Settlements with the workshop system
You can now try as apocalyptic architect and even built a settlement and to add various other elements such as the furniture. The potential range of projects ranging from dog houses, up to dressers or defensive positions and houses. You can create a complete settlement and your creativity has no bounds, as evidenced by the motto: From "old to new".
In the game there are various places which are suitable for the construction of a settlement. From the ruins of former settlements intact, can according to your imagination, build new functioning communities and manage and supply. For this you use the available materials and then create quasi "thrift architecture".
The workshop menu:
- Open in workshop menu the appropriate selection for buildings, furniture, decorations, or otherwise. In the selection of the building can then be the matching items, select, for example, entrance doors etc.
- In the doghouse required materials are displayed for each object, in this case it is wood and steel. However, it may be required, other materials such as screws or leather, which comes on the complexity of the structure. Stoves or refrigerators were other examples.
More complex structures and construction examples:
More complex structures such as dealer stands or watchtower are also to choice for them then additional conditions added, such as population size and available labor force.
- For example, a worker needs to be allocated for a watchtower. Once the Watchtower completed, you fulfills a function - the defense value of your settlement is increased. In a watchtower safety is increased by 2 points.
- The tower machine gun: This value can then be increased, for example, with an automatic machine gun turret even further (Security + 5). However, such complex objects require diverse materials for producing, for example, aluminum, steel, oil, tools and more.
- To build this weapon also skills are required, which must be formed earlier. So you need in addition to the resources and manpower in this case also the No. 1 "Gun Nut".
It can be installed watchtowers and anti-aircraft guns at any point and the building material for must be collected in the game world. But if you construct new technical equipment from various objects, you need a functioning community, whose primary care is secured. In order to ensure this, a "Local Leader" must be divided; you can build additional stores, such as with his "trading status":
- For the construction of the "trading status" you need wood and steel and bottle caps (Currency / "Bottlecap"). In addition, your settlement leaders (Local Leader) must have been upgraded to Rank 3. In addition, you still need a work force. (The game currency: It is not yet officially confirmed, but in the game it is "Bottle Caps" passed as in-game currency).
Municipal administration: Population, Food, Water, Power, Safety, Beds, Satisfaction and Size
All these factors show you to your resources and stocks such as how well your settlement is protected. In addition, you can check also if the satisfaction is rising or falling.
For Street Lighting:
- If you want to build, for example, a light source now, so a street lighting or, then you can optionally build a power generator, if you do not have enough power points available.
- We stay with the lighting example, the generator now produces 3 power points that are available to you. But how in reality does not a technical device, if it is not connected to the electricity grid. In the game You need for a connection electricity pylons, then the generator; Pylon and the "technical device" is connected.
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