MagMIMO: wireless charging Tech works as WiFi internet

A technology called wireless charger MagMIMO developed in MIT labs - the respected Institute of Technology Massasshusetts - is giving the talk in the international press. This is because it is taking the possibilities of systems currently on the market for more advanced levels - often expanding on the results of current products.

The systems that are currently available don't reach five centimeters of reach, but the MagMIMO promises up to 30 centimeters. This means that the feature would allow the use of equipment during loading, while it is over a desk or table, for example. Best of all is that this would happen without the limitations of a cord.

But how does this happen? The secret of MagMIMO is the fact that technology directly borrowed some concepts of the most advanced wireless internet routers. For example, when a router detects that there are devices trying to connect, it can direct the signal to the strength of transmissions is increased. In MagMIMO instead of signal INTERNET it happens to a magnetic field.

Ie, electromagnetic waves are directed to the appliances that will be refilled and even if they are moved there is no loss of quality. Experiments have shown good results and it is expected that the scope reach 30 cm soon. Will the coming years it will be possible to carry our electronics with even more freedom?


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