Tips for Deleting your face, house or car from Google Maps

Since Google Street View was launched, many people felt uncomfortable with the global exposure of private photos, accessible at a click for all to see. If you are part of this group and want to know how to remove your street, house, face or car from Google Maps, follow the steps below.

Step 1 Sign in to Google Maps and enter the address;

Step 2 When the map is updated, click "Street View", located on the box at the top left of the screen;

Step 3. Click on the address / person / object you want to delete so that it appears from the front. Done, click on the link "Report a problem" in the lower right corner, as highlighted in red in the image below;

Step 4. Defocus can be any image element, from a number of building window, which is the case for example of the tutorial. The desired position within the rectangle specified by Google and fills the rest of the form, stating what type of object it is, if there is problem in image quality and your e-mail element. You will also need to enter a CAPTCHA code to validate the action. When finished, click "Submit";

Step 5. Google will evaluate your request blur, sending an e-mail to confirm the operation. Change happens within a few days.


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