Eyestrain? Useful tips to protect your eyes from the continued use of PCs

People may have eyestrain problem by using PC racing for three hours every day. With the growing use of smartphones and tablets, time spent online and in front of electronic screens increased to eight hours in the case of many users. Thinking about it, We prepared a tutorial to protect your eyes from the continuous use of computers.

Constantly correct your posture

The correct position in front of a desktop computer or notebook is back with the right angle of 90 degrees. The legs and hands should be aligned in the same way and the face can not tilt up or down more than 25 degrees.

Consult an ophthalmologist

If you have vision problems, go for a consultation with an ophthalmologist. If he recommends you to wear glasses or contact lenses, go to an optical shop with the doctor's prescription in hand. Ask to make a lens that suitable for you and choose the frame that please you.

Take breaks every hour

If you can, take breaks to use the computer every half hour or an hour. Get out of the PC and go take a walk. Besides avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, it is important to help rest your eyes.


Without blinking, the screen of the PC can cause dryness of the eyeball, causing the problem of eyestrain. Also avoid computers with monitors above the line of your eyes, which increases the incidence of dryness. The continuous use of computer for a period of eight hours, average time of hardcore users, causes few winks, because the brain tends to focus on the screen even dispersed. So if you do the breaks correctly, probably more flashes.

Beware of the use of air conditioning or fan

If they are at high intensity when facing eyes, cause dryness and irritation vision and can harm you. Avoid high intensity of the handsets and seek to keep them out of sight.

Control local lighting

Use fluorescent lamps, which are weaker and emit less light than the phosphors, which emit radiation even after being turned off. When during the night, do not leave the light off, using only the illumination of the monitor, because it also affects vision. Still, darkness hinders typing and using a mouse.

Look for high-definition screens

Give preference to LCD or Full HD resolution. The better screen resolution, less wear will occur in your eyes.

Avoid smartphones and tablets after using the PC

Turned off the PC? Avoid using the phone or tablet long. Those peeks on the social network before bed, in bed, holding the phone, also cause eyestrain and other problems in the eyeball.


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